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Consultation has concluded
Our consultation has now closed
Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on our vision for the future.
In mid-2025, we'll be asking our community to help shape our priorities as we plan how to turn these aspirations into action, including the choices we'll need to make over the coming decades.
Me aha e kaha ake ai te hono ā-pāpori, ā-ahurea, ā-ohaoha a te tangata i ō rātou hapori? What more can we do to help people feel more socially, culturally and economically connected in their communities?
Te whai kia kaha ake ai te hono o Kāpiti Working towards a more connected Kāpiti
Networks and connections help people get to where they need to be to receive services, and to live fulfilling lives with a sense of connection and wellbeing.
A more connected Kāpiti means:
connecting infrastructure such as roads and public transport
having physical spaces to connect in like community facilities
promoting activities that connect our people.
Feeling connected as a community helps make the Kāpiti Coast what it is. When surveyed, 97 percent of residents agreed they felt a sense of belonging in the community.
Kia hāereere ō tātou tāngata | Keeping our people moving
Access and transport are a significant part of what Council does. We have 31 percent of the working population commuting outside of the district for their work, so good transport is critical for our sustainability and economic development goals as well.
We want to have a transport network that:
accounts for the growth and change in our population make up over time
is affordable and accessible for all as an end-to-end journey
reduces the risk of serious death or injury
is resilient to possible disaster events and minimises the impact on our environment
Kia honohono ō tātou tāngata | Keeping our people connected
We want people who live in Kāpiti to feel connected to others as well as to the services they need. Council provides and maintains a variety of community facilities and open spaces for people to connect in from playgrounds, pools and sports grounds to cultural and heritage buildings, arts spaces and libraries. Importantly, we also support community services through:
Community financial support programmes
Youth development, older persons, and accessibility projects
Community advisory groups support
Food security and resilience programme
Community and neighbourhood projects
Diversity and inclusiveness projects
Community safety projects
Social investment and sector capability building.
We work with our mana whenua partners across our work programme to deliver work that supports the cultural connections of Māori in our district.
Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on our vision for the future.
In mid-2025, we'll be asking our community to help shape our priorities as we plan how to turn these aspirations into action, including the choices we'll need to make over the coming decades.
Me aha e kaha ake ai te hono ā-pāpori, ā-ahurea, ā-ohaoha a te tangata i ō rātou hapori? What more can we do to help people feel more socially, culturally and economically connected in their communities?
Te whai kia kaha ake ai te hono o Kāpiti Working towards a more connected Kāpiti
Networks and connections help people get to where they need to be to receive services, and to live fulfilling lives with a sense of connection and wellbeing.
A more connected Kāpiti means:
connecting infrastructure such as roads and public transport
having physical spaces to connect in like community facilities
promoting activities that connect our people.
Feeling connected as a community helps make the Kāpiti Coast what it is. When surveyed, 97 percent of residents agreed they felt a sense of belonging in the community.
Kia hāereere ō tātou tāngata | Keeping our people moving
Access and transport are a significant part of what Council does. We have 31 percent of the working population commuting outside of the district for their work, so good transport is critical for our sustainability and economic development goals as well.
We want to have a transport network that:
accounts for the growth and change in our population make up over time
is affordable and accessible for all as an end-to-end journey
reduces the risk of serious death or injury
is resilient to possible disaster events and minimises the impact on our environment
Kia honohono ō tātou tāngata | Keeping our people connected
We want people who live in Kāpiti to feel connected to others as well as to the services they need. Council provides and maintains a variety of community facilities and open spaces for people to connect in from playgrounds, pools and sports grounds to cultural and heritage buildings, arts spaces and libraries. Importantly, we also support community services through:
Community financial support programmes
Youth development, older persons, and accessibility projects
Community advisory groups support
Food security and resilience programme
Community and neighbourhood projects
Diversity and inclusiveness projects
Community safety projects
Social investment and sector capability building.
We work with our mana whenua partners across our work programme to deliver work that supports the cultural connections of Māori in our district.