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Consultation has concluded
Our consultation has now closed
Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on our vision for the future.
In mid-2025, we'll be asking our community to help shape our priorities as we plan how to turn these aspirations into action, including the choices we'll need to make over the coming decades.
He aha ngā mea me panoni mō ngā mahi whai mātauranga ki Kāpiti? What needs to change in terms of provision of education services in Kāpiti?
Me aha anō e marohi ake ai ngā ara ki te mahi? What more can be done to strengthen pathways to employment
Te mātauranga: Te whakamarohi ara ki te mahi Education:Strengthening pathways to employment
We want everyone in Kāpiti to be able to access a range of education services that support them in pursuing fulfilling employment opportunities.
We need education pathways that are aligned with people's learning aspirations and business needs and we need to overcome barriers that stop learners/ākonga from fully participating in education.
Examples of barriers to education include:
a course not being provided locally
limited spaces available in a school or on a course
course content may not be available in a variety of languages
students may not have access to necessary assistance or support to succeed.
While there are a number of primary schools, secondary schools and early childhood education providers in Kāpiti, there is only one tertiary institute Te Wānanga o Raukawa in Ōtaki.
As the district’s population continues to grow, we need to improve access to the right type of education services to meet our community’s needs.
The Kāpiti Workforce Plan
Many of our taiohi (young people) who want to further their education and training beyond school must leave Kāpiti to do so. As a result, they often find employment outside the district too.
In response to this, Council developed the Kāpiti Workforce Plan to look at how we can develop, attract, and retain a skilled and competitive workforce to support our local economy.
The plan identifies gaps in current vocational education that can be delivered locally.
Through the delivery of this plan, Council is facilitating the development of an education hub, a physical space and online portal to help step students through the pathways of education to employment. Options and locations for the education hub are currently being explored.
Education for all ages
Not all education and learning is for young people. Lifelong learning opportunities need to be provided whether they will eventually generate income or just add non-financial value/benefits to a person’s wellbeing or local community.
Our consultation has now closed
Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on our vision for the future.
In mid-2025, we'll be asking our community to help shape our priorities as we plan how to turn these aspirations into action, including the choices we'll need to make over the coming decades.
He aha ngā mea me panoni mō ngā mahi whai mātauranga ki Kāpiti? What needs to change in terms of provision of education services in Kāpiti?
Me aha anō e marohi ake ai ngā ara ki te mahi? What more can be done to strengthen pathways to employment
Te mātauranga: Te whakamarohi ara ki te mahi Education:Strengthening pathways to employment
We want everyone in Kāpiti to be able to access a range of education services that support them in pursuing fulfilling employment opportunities.
We need education pathways that are aligned with people's learning aspirations and business needs and we need to overcome barriers that stop learners/ākonga from fully participating in education.
Examples of barriers to education include:
a course not being provided locally
limited spaces available in a school or on a course
course content may not be available in a variety of languages
students may not have access to necessary assistance or support to succeed.
While there are a number of primary schools, secondary schools and early childhood education providers in Kāpiti, there is only one tertiary institute Te Wānanga o Raukawa in Ōtaki.
As the district’s population continues to grow, we need to improve access to the right type of education services to meet our community’s needs.
The Kāpiti Workforce Plan
Many of our taiohi (young people) who want to further their education and training beyond school must leave Kāpiti to do so. As a result, they often find employment outside the district too.
In response to this, Council developed the Kāpiti Workforce Plan to look at how we can develop, attract, and retain a skilled and competitive workforce to support our local economy.
The plan identifies gaps in current vocational education that can be delivered locally.
Through the delivery of this plan, Council is facilitating the development of an education hub, a physical space and online portal to help step students through the pathways of education to employment. Options and locations for the education hub are currently being explored.
Education for all ages
Not all education and learning is for young people. Lifelong learning opportunities need to be provided whether they will eventually generate income or just add non-financial value/benefits to a person’s wellbeing or local community.