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Consultation has concluded

Our consultation has now closed

Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on our vision for the future.

In mid-2025, we'll be asking our community to help shape our priorities as we plan how to turn these aspirations into action, including the choices we'll need to make over the coming decades.

In the meantime, you can explore the local and districtwide visions and see what matters most to your community: Vision Kāpiti 2060 - Kāpiti Coast District Council

View the ideas that were shared below:

  1. What are you most concerned/worried about in terms of housing in Kapiti?
    He aha ōu tino āwangawanga/māharahara mō ngā kāinga ki Kāpiti?

  2. What should we focus on to ensure people in Kāpiti have appropriate housing to meet their needs?
    Me aro mātou ki te aha e ea ai ngā hiahia o te hunga o Kāpiti mō te taha ki ngā kāinga?

    Kāinga - he māharahara e tupu ana
Housing - a growing concern

There are significant and growing housing access and affordability issues in our district. It is projected that there will be 32,000 more people living in Kāpiti by 2051 and we will need at least 14,000 additional dwellings across the housing continuum.

To better understand the current situation, Council completed a housing needs assessment in May 2022, which provided the following findings: ·

  • All parts of the housing continuum are being affected by a housing system that is failing many and causing intergenerational inequality. ·
  • Systemic issues need to be addressed so it doesn’t get worse.
  • There are a lot of hidden stresses associated with housing that have adverse effects on people’s wellbeing.

There are three areas that we need to focus on:

  1. The type and location of housing available across the district.
  2. New housing models to improve affordability.
  3. Housing access, so that families and whānau can continue to live in Kāpiti.

Council’s housing strategy 2022 

Housing is a complex issue that is not solely the responsibility of one organisation. Council is now taking a bigger role in housing. See how our strategy is progressing and learn more at www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/housing.

Our consultation has now closed

Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on our vision for the future.

In mid-2025, we'll be asking our community to help shape our priorities as we plan how to turn these aspirations into action, including the choices we'll need to make over the coming decades.

In the meantime, you can explore the local and districtwide visions and see what matters most to your community: Vision Kāpiti 2060 - Kāpiti Coast District Council

View the ideas that were shared below:

  1. What are you most concerned/worried about in terms of housing in Kapiti?
    He aha ōu tino āwangawanga/māharahara mō ngā kāinga ki Kāpiti?

  2. What should we focus on to ensure people in Kāpiti have appropriate housing to meet their needs?
    Me aro mātou ki te aha e ea ai ngā hiahia o te hunga o Kāpiti mō te taha ki ngā kāinga?

    Kāinga - he māharahara e tupu ana
Housing - a growing concern

There are significant and growing housing access and affordability issues in our district. It is projected that there will be 32,000 more people living in Kāpiti by 2051 and we will need at least 14,000 additional dwellings across the housing continuum.

To better understand the current situation, Council completed a housing needs assessment in May 2022, which provided the following findings: ·

  • All parts of the housing continuum are being affected by a housing system that is failing many and causing intergenerational inequality. ·
  • Systemic issues need to be addressed so it doesn’t get worse.
  • There are a lot of hidden stresses associated with housing that have adverse effects on people’s wellbeing.

There are three areas that we need to focus on:

  1. The type and location of housing available across the district.
  2. New housing models to improve affordability.
  3. Housing access, so that families and whānau can continue to live in Kāpiti.

Council’s housing strategy 2022 

Housing is a complex issue that is not solely the responsibility of one organisation. Council is now taking a bigger role in housing. See how our strategy is progressing and learn more at www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/housing.