Kāpiti Coast economy
Consultation has concluded
Our survey closed on Wednesday 3 April. We asked you to tell us if we’ve got the right focus and the right priorities before we finalise our Economic Development Strategy.
We asked for your feedback on the following:
- Do you think the priority focus areas are the right ones to build on the success to date and progress further towards our vision? Is there anything missing?
- Do you support the use of SPVs to help attract increased external investment for economic development activities?
- Are we measuring the right things to know if we are having an impact? Do you know of other measures that might be appropriate?
Ways you could have your say
- Read our Economic Development Direction of Travel document.
- We held engagement hubs for in-person conversations and you could complete our online survey and ask questions.
Economic development helps enhance our district and support wellbeing and opportunities for our people.
We have made great progress against the Economic Development Strategy 2020-23, and we’re now working in partnership with the Economic Development Kotahitanga Board to refresh the Economic Development Strategy for Kāpiti, to help position us for a vibrant, thriving and sustainable future. Areas of focus
In consultation with local businesses and stakeholders, we have identified three Areas of Focus we believe will lift the Kāpiti Coast economy and support a more liveable environment, where people have choice in how they make their living or a choice to start and/or operate a business in Kāpiti that is both viable and feasible over time. These Areas of Focus are:
- Kāpiti Coast is an inclusive community and is recognised as a great and easy place to invest and do business.
- Kāpiti Coast residents and communities benefit from local training and career opportunities.
- A resilient Kāpiti Coast economy based on productive and innovative clusters that are environmentally sustainable and future focused.
To build on the progress made to date, we are proposing the following key shifts in the refresh:
- The establishment of Skills and Training Hubs to increase local employment opportunities.
- Expansion of our cluster work with local industries to include the Tech, Tourism and Creative Sector.
- Increased focus on the local Māori economy and working in conjunction with mana whenua.
- Increased leverage of new infrastructure and investment to grow local businesses and encourage new business to the Kāpiti Coast, particularly those that improve our economic and climate resilience.
The Economic Development Kotahitanga Board has been effective in overseeing the implementation of the strategy to date, but there are opportunities to strengthen its ability actively grow our economy. We are proposing to establish the Board as an Independent Trust that can be more active in attracting external investment to support the local economy.
Ask us a question about the Kāpiti Coast Economy direction of travel.
Please be concise and respectful in asking questions - we will do our best to respond as soon as possible. Some answers may take a bit longer to get the details right.