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Consultation has concluded
Our consultation has now closed
Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on our vision for the future.
In mid-2025, we'll be asking our community to help shape our priorities as we plan how to turn these aspirations into action, including the choices we'll need to make over the coming decades.
He māharahara ōu mō te whakarato, te whakatupu kai rānei i tō tātou rohe? Do you have concerns about food supply or production in our district?
Me aha hoki te Kaunihera hei tautoko i te toitū o te whakarato, te whakatupu, me te hokohoko kai? What else could Council do to support safe and sustainable food supply, production, and sale?
Access to healthy food options is key to our community surviving and thriving, and as your local government, we have a role in supporting food supply and provision in our district.
Production and sustainability
A significant area of the Kāpiti Coast is used for farming and horticulture particularly around Ōtaki, Te Horo, and Hautere where there is high-quality soil for growing.
Our growth strategy Te Tupu Pai: Growing Well, notes that we will protect our productive rural land to support agricultural and food production businesses, and continue to provide for some rural residential living as part of our district's housing mix.
We also contribute to the Regional Food System Strategy that is focused on fostering a sustainable, locally based and equitable food system across the wider Wellington Region. Council also regularly runs community workshops to support reducing food waste, teaching different home composting methods and facilitates our communities to work together on community gardens.
Regulating food standards
Council is a regulator of local food service and production businesses to ensure public safety. Key legislation tasks Councils with regulating food safety for locally produced product, setting rules for food outlets, and providing advice and information on food safety to the community.
Supporting food businesses
Kāpiti Coast is home to more than 400 producers, outlets, and hospitality venues. We have a wealth of artisan food and beverage producers who showcase their products at the national level. We also facilitate connections between our food and beverage businesses through our economic development work with local businesses.
Our consultation has now closed
Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on our vision for the future.
In mid-2025, we'll be asking our community to help shape our priorities as we plan how to turn these aspirations into action, including the choices we'll need to make over the coming decades.
He māharahara ōu mō te whakarato, te whakatupu kai rānei i tō tātou rohe? Do you have concerns about food supply or production in our district?
Me aha hoki te Kaunihera hei tautoko i te toitū o te whakarato, te whakatupu, me te hokohoko kai? What else could Council do to support safe and sustainable food supply, production, and sale?
Access to healthy food options is key to our community surviving and thriving, and as your local government, we have a role in supporting food supply and provision in our district.
Production and sustainability
A significant area of the Kāpiti Coast is used for farming and horticulture particularly around Ōtaki, Te Horo, and Hautere where there is high-quality soil for growing.
Our growth strategy Te Tupu Pai: Growing Well, notes that we will protect our productive rural land to support agricultural and food production businesses, and continue to provide for some rural residential living as part of our district's housing mix.
We also contribute to the Regional Food System Strategy that is focused on fostering a sustainable, locally based and equitable food system across the wider Wellington Region. Council also regularly runs community workshops to support reducing food waste, teaching different home composting methods and facilitates our communities to work together on community gardens.
Regulating food standards
Council is a regulator of local food service and production businesses to ensure public safety. Key legislation tasks Councils with regulating food safety for locally produced product, setting rules for food outlets, and providing advice and information on food safety to the community.
Supporting food businesses
Kāpiti Coast is home to more than 400 producers, outlets, and hospitality venues. We have a wealth of artisan food and beverage producers who showcase their products at the national level. We also facilitate connections between our food and beverage businesses through our economic development work with local businesses.