Te whakamahinga whenua | Land use

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Consultation has concluded

Have your say has concluded for this topic

View the ideas that were shared below:

  1. Me pēwhea e pai ake ai te whakamahi i te whenua me ngā wāhi tūmatanui i Kāpiti?
    How could we better use land and public spaces in Kapiti?

  2. Me aha hoki te Kaunihera e rea ai, e whanke ai te hapori?
     What else could Council do to enable our community to grow and flourish? 

Kāpiti is nestled in between the mountains and the sea, and our varied landscapes support a range of activities, including housing, commerce, reserves and recreation, food production, transportation, water ways, wastewater infrastructure to name a few.

We have already heard from that our community want to enjoy our space and use it well, both now and into the future so our beautiful environment and the lifestyle we enjoy is available to future generations.

Council’s role

It’s important that we work together with you to make space for the right things, in the right place, so we can design a community that we all want to live in.

Key legislation tasks Councils with managing a district plan to govern resource management for our district. We are also tasked with setting bylaws and policies within our district that sets rules for activities, such as freedom camping, road use, and waste management. Collectively, along with direction from regional and local government, these outline the possibilities and restrictions for developing and using land in Kāpiti.

Over the next three years we are going to work with the community on how we best utilise our land, so that we have space for leisure and activities, business, and housing whilst we make sure that our environment and unique character are maintained.

We wanted your thoughts about what Council should prioritise for land use in our district. Some options:

  • Enabling a balance between existing housing, our unique character, and accommodating growth and a variety of housing needs.
  • Supporting businesses through providing space for commercial activity, and industry to operate effectively.
  • Ensuring we have a liveable city that has good housing, is easy to get around, enables people to connect and stay healthy, and also protects our environment, productive land and encourages local food supply.

Have your say has concluded for this topic

View the ideas that were shared below:

  1. Me pēwhea e pai ake ai te whakamahi i te whenua me ngā wāhi tūmatanui i Kāpiti?
    How could we better use land and public spaces in Kapiti?

  2. Me aha hoki te Kaunihera e rea ai, e whanke ai te hapori?
     What else could Council do to enable our community to grow and flourish? 

Kāpiti is nestled in between the mountains and the sea, and our varied landscapes support a range of activities, including housing, commerce, reserves and recreation, food production, transportation, water ways, wastewater infrastructure to name a few.

We have already heard from that our community want to enjoy our space and use it well, both now and into the future so our beautiful environment and the lifestyle we enjoy is available to future generations.

Council’s role

It’s important that we work together with you to make space for the right things, in the right place, so we can design a community that we all want to live in.

Key legislation tasks Councils with managing a district plan to govern resource management for our district. We are also tasked with setting bylaws and policies within our district that sets rules for activities, such as freedom camping, road use, and waste management. Collectively, along with direction from regional and local government, these outline the possibilities and restrictions for developing and using land in Kāpiti.

Over the next three years we are going to work with the community on how we best utilise our land, so that we have space for leisure and activities, business, and housing whilst we make sure that our environment and unique character are maintained.

We wanted your thoughts about what Council should prioritise for land use in our district. Some options:

  • Enabling a balance between existing housing, our unique character, and accommodating growth and a variety of housing needs.
  • Supporting businesses through providing space for commercial activity, and industry to operate effectively.
  • Ensuring we have a liveable city that has good housing, is easy to get around, enables people to connect and stay healthy, and also protects our environment, productive land and encourages local food supply.