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Youth Survey

Thanks for filling out this survey. It should only take 5 minutes! 

This survey is about hearing from young people aged 12–24 years who live in Kāpiti. It asks questions about things related to living in Kāpiti and is split into three sections:

  • Section one – Identity
  • Section two – Community
  • Section three - Places

There are no right or wrong answers and it’s up to you to take part in the survey or not.  

No one will know what you personally wrote.  

Please complete the whole survey to go in the draw to win a prize –see our Kāpiti Coast District Council competition terms and conditions.  

If this survey raises any issues for you, you can contact Youthline any time on 0800 376 633. You can free text them on 234. They are there to help 24/7.  

0% answered

Section one – Identity


How old are you?

* required

What ethnic groups do you identify with? (Select all that apply)

* required

What is your gender?

* required

What communities do you identify as being a part of: (Select all that apply)

* required

Where do you live?

* required

What is your main focus at the moment?

* required
I am doing well in life
My family are supportive of what I want to do
The cost of activities is not an issue for me
I am confident in myself
I have good friends
On weekends I am able to do things I want to do
Being in a club/team is important in my life

What are the main challenges facing you now? (Select all that apply)

* required
I feel supported to follow my interests in Kāpiti
I feel there is opportunity for my skills/talents/interests to grow in Kāpiti
I feel my skills/talents/interests are celebrated by the community in Kāpiti
I have access to learn about my whakapapa/family history
I feel a sense of belonging
I feel connected to my culture/s