Culture and Creativity Strategy

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Consultation has concluded

Kia Wawata Nui mō te anamata o te ahurea me te auaha i Kāpiti
Dream big about the future of culture and creativity on the Kāpiti Coast

We are developing a Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023-2028 to help guide, direct and support our future investment in arts, culture, creativity and heritage. Together, we have a once-in-a decade chance to dream big to create an even more amazing place to live, work, visit and be.

For more than 1000 years, culture and creativity has been intrinsically linked to where we came from, who we are now and our journey into the future. The strategy will embed and reflect whakaaro Māori, and the wawata (the aspirations) of the mana whenua iwi of Kāpiti.

To date, we’ve had conversations with around 70 people involved in arts, culture, creativity and heritage across the district. Now, we want to hear from you. What are the some of the great things that are happening in this space, the challenges we face, and what are your big ideas to make arts, culture, creativity and heritage even more awesome.

Please dream big with us below by:

Keep an eye out for our "idea catchers"
From Monday 26 June we'll have a number of "idea catcher" blackboards dotted around our communities for you to express your ideas and to dream big on. If you see one, feel free to share your thoughts and don't be shy about being creative.

Attend a co-design workshop
Later in July we are hosting a number of co-design workshops where you can help shape the three pou of the strategy. If you are interested in participating in a workshop email

Kia Wawata Nui mō te anamata o te ahurea me te auaha i Kāpiti
Dream big about the future of culture and creativity on the Kāpiti Coast

We are developing a Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023-2028 to help guide, direct and support our future investment in arts, culture, creativity and heritage. Together, we have a once-in-a decade chance to dream big to create an even more amazing place to live, work, visit and be.

For more than 1000 years, culture and creativity has been intrinsically linked to where we came from, who we are now and our journey into the future. The strategy will embed and reflect whakaaro Māori, and the wawata (the aspirations) of the mana whenua iwi of Kāpiti.

To date, we’ve had conversations with around 70 people involved in arts, culture, creativity and heritage across the district. Now, we want to hear from you. What are the some of the great things that are happening in this space, the challenges we face, and what are your big ideas to make arts, culture, creativity and heritage even more awesome.

Please dream big with us below by:

Keep an eye out for our "idea catchers"
From Monday 26 June we'll have a number of "idea catcher" blackboards dotted around our communities for you to express your ideas and to dream big on. If you see one, feel free to share your thoughts and don't be shy about being creative.

Attend a co-design workshop
Later in July we are hosting a number of co-design workshops where you can help shape the three pou of the strategy. If you are interested in participating in a workshop email

Share What are some of our most awesome culture and creativity spaces, places and treasures? And why? | He aha ētahi o ō tātou tino wāhi, tino taonga ki a koe? He aha ai? on Facebook Share What are some of our most awesome culture and creativity spaces, places and treasures? And why? | He aha ētahi o ō tātou tino wāhi, tino taonga ki a koe? He aha ai? on Twitter Share What are some of our most awesome culture and creativity spaces, places and treasures? And why? | He aha ētahi o ō tātou tino wāhi, tino taonga ki a koe? He aha ai? on Linkedin Email What are some of our most awesome culture and creativity spaces, places and treasures? And why? | He aha ētahi o ō tātou tino wāhi, tino taonga ki a koe? He aha ai? link

What are some of our most awesome culture and creativity spaces, places and treasures? And why? | He aha ētahi o ō tātou tino wāhi, tino taonga ki a koe? He aha ai?

12 months

Pin your favourite local cultural or creative spots on our map and tell us why they're so awesome. 

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.