CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Draft recommendations for the Northern Adaptation Area (Ōtaki, Te Horo, Peka Peka)
The Takutai Kāpiti Coastal Advisory Panel (the Panel) is reporting back to the community with their draft recommendations for the Northern Adaptation Area (Ōtaki, Te Horo and Peka Peka).
To complete this survey, you will need to refer to the Northern Adaptation Area pathway information package. You do not need to answer all the questions, just the ones you want to.
The panel wants to hear if you think they’ve got it right or if there is anything else they need to consider. It’s your chance to provide further input before they start costing the pathways and make their recommendations to Council.
Thank you for taking the time to have your say on this important mahi (work). Survey has been extended until 11.59pm Wednesday 26 July.