Have your say on an affordable housing entity for Kāpiti

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Consultation has concluded

Thank you to those who made a submission on our proposal to establish an independent community land trust that could work with iwi partners and other organisations to deliver affordable housing outcomes in the Kapiti Coast district.

As indicated in our consultation timeline, local government elections were held in late 2022, therefore the consultation process needed to be split into two stages so that the newly elected 2022-25 Council could hear from submitters before making a decision.

We received nearly 300 responses which we have analysed and are now in the process of sharing with Council. Our next step to offer those submitters that wished to, an opportunity to speak to their submission at a dedicated meeting which will be held on 30 March from 5.30pm at Council Chambers in Rimu Road.

If you indicated that you were wanting to speak, you will hear from us directly very shortly with more information.

You are welcome to join this hearing in person or online at via our website.

Following this process, a summary of consultation feedback will be shared. Council will then be presented with options to make a decision about the next steps.

The consultation

Council has been looking at howe can help more people access affordable housing in our district. This is a key action from our recently adopted Kāpiti Coast District Council Housing Strategy 2022. 
Council is proposing to establish an independent community land trust (CLTthat, along with Council, can work with iwi partners and other organisations to deliver affordable housing outcomes. 

About our proposal 

A CLT is an independent, not-for-profit organisation governed by a board of trustees made up of iwi, community members and professional representatives. Its purpose is to provide permanent affordable housing opportunities for families and communities. 

A CLT can hold land, transferred to it by Council or acquired on its own, for the purpose of delivering affordable or social housing. The CLT can use this land to create affordable housing solutions in partnership with community housing providers and other organisationsthat then develop houses on the land. 

Some of the advantages of this proposal include: 

  • A trust would be able to access a wider range of funding sources if it registered or partnered with a community housing provider. 

  • A trust would be able to partner with iwi and other organisations to deliver housing solutions. 

  • A trust can be structured to enable it to offer a wider range of housing services and tenure models, such as affordable rentals, rent to own and leasehold options. 

Read more about our proposal, and the other entities we considered, in our Statement of Proposal for an affordable housing entity in Kāpiti

About the need 

Our Kāpiti Coast Housing Needs Assessment 2022 showed that housing stress in Kāpiti is extensive and is having a domino effect that is negatively impacting a range of wellbeing outcomes (social, cultural, environmental and economic). 

Read more about our Housing Needs Assessment on our website. 

Thank you to those who made a submission on our proposal to establish an independent community land trust that could work with iwi partners and other organisations to deliver affordable housing outcomes in the Kapiti Coast district.

As indicated in our consultation timeline, local government elections were held in late 2022, therefore the consultation process needed to be split into two stages so that the newly elected 2022-25 Council could hear from submitters before making a decision.

We received nearly 300 responses which we have analysed and are now in the process of sharing with Council. Our next step to offer those submitters that wished to, an opportunity to speak to their submission at a dedicated meeting which will be held on 30 March from 5.30pm at Council Chambers in Rimu Road.

If you indicated that you were wanting to speak, you will hear from us directly very shortly with more information.

You are welcome to join this hearing in person or online at via our website.

Following this process, a summary of consultation feedback will be shared. Council will then be presented with options to make a decision about the next steps.

The consultation

Council has been looking at howe can help more people access affordable housing in our district. This is a key action from our recently adopted Kāpiti Coast District Council Housing Strategy 2022. 
Council is proposing to establish an independent community land trust (CLTthat, along with Council, can work with iwi partners and other organisations to deliver affordable housing outcomes. 

About our proposal 

A CLT is an independent, not-for-profit organisation governed by a board of trustees made up of iwi, community members and professional representatives. Its purpose is to provide permanent affordable housing opportunities for families and communities. 

A CLT can hold land, transferred to it by Council or acquired on its own, for the purpose of delivering affordable or social housing. The CLT can use this land to create affordable housing solutions in partnership with community housing providers and other organisationsthat then develop houses on the land. 

Some of the advantages of this proposal include: 

  • A trust would be able to access a wider range of funding sources if it registered or partnered with a community housing provider. 

  • A trust would be able to partner with iwi and other organisations to deliver housing solutions. 

  • A trust can be structured to enable it to offer a wider range of housing services and tenure models, such as affordable rentals, rent to own and leasehold options. 

Read more about our proposal, and the other entities we considered, in our Statement of Proposal for an affordable housing entity in Kāpiti

About the need 

Our Kāpiti Coast Housing Needs Assessment 2022 showed that housing stress in Kāpiti is extensive and is having a domino effect that is negatively impacting a range of wellbeing outcomes (social, cultural, environmental and economic). 

Read more about our Housing Needs Assessment on our website. 

Consultation has concluded

Do you have a question regarding our proposal?

Please be concise and respectful in asking questions - we will do our best to respond promptly (usually by the next working day). Some answers may take a bit longer to get the details right. We monitor the site from 8:30am - 5pm Monday to Friday

  • Share What funding will be required to establish and then operate the CLT ?. where will the funding come from ? on Facebook Share What funding will be required to establish and then operate the CLT ?. where will the funding come from ? on Twitter Share What funding will be required to establish and then operate the CLT ?. where will the funding come from ? on Linkedin Email What funding will be required to establish and then operate the CLT ?. where will the funding come from ? link

    What funding will be required to establish and then operate the CLT ?. where will the funding come from ?

    Spike asked about 2 years ago

    Kia ora,

    Thank you for your feedback on the Affordable Housing Entity consultation. 

    In the Long-Term Plan 2021-41, there is budget allocated across the first three years to enable Council to have a bigger role in housing. Part of the budget allocated in 2022-23 and 2023-24 can be used to support the set-up of an affordable housing entity, subject to receiving Council approval to proceed with the preferred option, following consultation with the community. 

    It is proposed that the CLT would coordinate across the district to avoid duplication of effort by existing iwi providers and other organisations within the wider region. The trust deed and MoU will require partnership to occur, but the details will be up to the independent board to work through. This approach will help to avoid duplication or activity, effort, and resources between parties. 

    As further work progresses on the establishment of an affordable housing entity, consideration for additional funding of additional operational costs may need to be considered through the 2023/24 Annual Plan and the next Long-Term Plan by the new Council.

    Ngā mihi nui
