Developing a vision for Waikanae

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Consultation has concluded

Our consultation has now closed

Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on our vision for the future.

In mid-2025, we'll be asking our community to help shape our priorities as we plan how to turn these aspirations into action, including the choices we'll need to make over the coming decades.

In the meantime, you can explore the local and districtwide visions and see what matters most to your community: Vision Kāpiti 2060 - Kāpiti Coast District Council

Waikanae is geographically the largest ward in the Kāpiti Coast District. It stretches from Reikorangi to Te Horo Beach. Each community in Waikanae has its own special vibe and unique characteristics, as well as its own needs and aspirations. 

To protect what we love most about Waikanae, and to help make sure we grow and change in ways we can be proud of, we're shaping a vision to help guide our future planning, decision-making and advocacy.

While we're creating a vision for the whole of the Waikanae area – we will be looking carefully at what matters most to each distinct area. To capture this vision, we're working with our community to understand what locals are thinking, what's wanted, what's important, and the priorities for Waikanae.

The first stage of this work is to develop Vision Waikanae. This will replace the Local Outcome Statements, which we last refreshed in 2007. It will also feed into a districtwide vision for Kāpiti.

The next stage is to develop a supporting blueprint for action, that will map out our key steps and moves to help us realise our Vision over the next 30 years.

If you'd like to know more about this process and how you can get involved, please contact one of your Waikanae Community Board members..

What we've heard so far

Between August to December 2023 the Community Board engaged with local Waikanae residents to help shape Vision Waikanae. We’ve looked at all of the feedback we’ve received so far and have identified some key themes that show what’s important to your community.

The poster gives an ‘at a glance’ overview of some of the ideas you shared with us. 

The updated summary of your feedback will be available shortly


Our consultation has now closed

Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on our vision for the future.

In mid-2025, we'll be asking our community to help shape our priorities as we plan how to turn these aspirations into action, including the choices we'll need to make over the coming decades.

In the meantime, you can explore the local and districtwide visions and see what matters most to your community: Vision Kāpiti 2060 - Kāpiti Coast District Council

Waikanae is geographically the largest ward in the Kāpiti Coast District. It stretches from Reikorangi to Te Horo Beach. Each community in Waikanae has its own special vibe and unique characteristics, as well as its own needs and aspirations. 

To protect what we love most about Waikanae, and to help make sure we grow and change in ways we can be proud of, we're shaping a vision to help guide our future planning, decision-making and advocacy.

While we're creating a vision for the whole of the Waikanae area – we will be looking carefully at what matters most to each distinct area. To capture this vision, we're working with our community to understand what locals are thinking, what's wanted, what's important, and the priorities for Waikanae.

The first stage of this work is to develop Vision Waikanae. This will replace the Local Outcome Statements, which we last refreshed in 2007. It will also feed into a districtwide vision for Kāpiti.

The next stage is to develop a supporting blueprint for action, that will map out our key steps and moves to help us realise our Vision over the next 30 years.

If you'd like to know more about this process and how you can get involved, please contact one of your Waikanae Community Board members..

What we've heard so far

Between August to December 2023 the Community Board engaged with local Waikanae residents to help shape Vision Waikanae. We’ve looked at all of the feedback we’ve received so far and have identified some key themes that show what’s important to your community.

The poster gives an ‘at a glance’ overview of some of the ideas you shared with us. 

The updated summary of your feedback will be available shortly