Developing a vision for Raumati
Consultation has concluded
We asked for your feedback
Thanks to everyone who has had their say on our vision for the future.
Vision Kāpiti is now closed for analysis so we can incorporate your feedback into the visions. We are looking forward to sharing our final visions with you later this year.
We all love Raumati. Change is happening and if we're not careful we could lose what we love about the place, or miss out on opportunities to make it even better. It's a matter of finding the balance between keeping what we love while allowing new things to emerge.
So, we're building a collective, community driven vision for the future of Raumati - by the people, for the people. And we're starting with Raumati Beach.
A vision that we can use to support advocacy to Council and other key organisations and agencies within our rohe, and to hold them to account. A vision that our local people can be proud of, and feel a part of.
This then positions us, as a community, to make a case for Raumati’s potential, and the future that’s possible for the village.
The first stage of this work is to develop Vision Raumati. This will replace the Local Outcome Statements, which we last refreshed in 2007. It will also feed into a districtwide vision for Kāpiti.
The next stage is to develop a supporting blueprint for action, that will map out our key steps and moves to help us realise our Vision over the next 30 years.
If you'd like to know more about this process and how you can get involved, please visit our project webpage at and get in contact.
What we've heard so far
We have collated feedback and ideas for Raumati through online community surveys and discussions. This included an initial focus on Raumati in early 2022, with a more recent survey focusing on Raumati South.
We’ve looked at all of the feedback we’ve received so far and have identified some key themes that show what’s important to Raumati.
The poster gives an ‘at a glance’ overview of some of the ideas you shared with us.
The updated summary of your feedback will be available shortly.
Once you've shared your thoughts here, remember to check out Our Vision for Raumati page, where you can learn more about the work we're doing with our community.