Me pēwhea te whakakanohi i a koe anō? – How would you like to be represented?
Our initial proposal consultation runs from Thursday 8 August until Thursday 12 September 2024
Complete the survey.
Representation Review webinar recording 29 August 2024
Council completed a comprehensive review of its representation arrangements in 2021 and was not due for another review until 2027. However, following the decision to establish a Māori ward in November last year, Council needed to do another representation review this year to ensure the Māori ward is in place for the 2025 local government elections.
We began our process with early engagement between 4 March and 2 April 2024 to ask the community their thoughts on how they’d like to be represented. This included seeking feedback on how many councillors we should have, whether they’re elected from general wards, districtwide (elected by all voters of the district), or a combination of both, whether the district has community boards, and how the new Māori ward could fit into the arrangements.
We received 285 submissions, with the majority indicating the current arrangements work well and support for including the new Māori ward with minimal changes to the current Council structure. The majority also supported retaining the current councillor to community board appointment structure.
Legislation changes
On 4 April 2024, Local Government Minister Simeon Brown announced the Local Government (Electoral Legislation and Māori Wards and Constituencies) Amendment Bill, which was confirmed as legislation on 30 July 2024. The Bill reinstates a requirement for councils to hold polls at the 2025 local government elections for any Māori wards established without a poll. It also requires councils to re-affirm or reverse (rescind) their decision to establish Māori wards.
At an extraordinary Council meeting on 6 August 2024, Council re-affirmed their decision to establish a Māori ward. This means continuing with this representation review to determine our arrangements, including establishing the new Māori ward, for the 2025 local government elections. During the 2025 elections we will hold a poll to determine the future of the Māori ward for the 2028 and 2031 elections.
Initial proposal
Following our early engagement feedback, Council believes the current structure should be largely retained and propose the following representation arrangements for the 2025 local government elections:
- one mayor
- four general wards represented by seven elected councillors
- two districtwide councillors
- one Māori ward councillor
- five community boards with four elected members each and a specified number of ward councillors appointed to the boards.
In total this equates to 10 councillors, one mayor and 20 community board members, with one districtwide seat replaced at the Council table by the new Māori ward seat.
View our current Council structure | View our proposed Council structure |
Proposed boundary changes
We’re also proposing to change the Ōtaki and Waikanae ward and community board boundaries at Te Horo, moving it further south past Te Hapua Road, and the Paekākāriki–Raumati and Paraparaumu ward boundaries at Emerald Glen and Valley Road, which will also change the Paekākāriki and Paraparaumu community board boundaries.
We believe these boundary changes will better reflect the communities of interest –where people live and associate with. These proposed boundary changes are in line with community feedback following the Local Government Commission’s decisions during our last representation review process and feedback received from members of these communities since the last elections in 2022.
We acknowledge our proposed changes to Ōtaki and Waikanae ward boundaries don’t meet the fair representation criteria (the +/- 10 percent rule). Council can make this change, however, our final proposal will need to be referred to the Local Government Commission to consider the district’s final representation arrangements
View proposed Waikanae and Ōtaki general ward and community board boundaries | View proposed Paekākāriki–Raumati and Paraparaumu ward boundaries |
Community boards
We’re not proposing any changes to our community board arrangements, apart from the proposed boundary alterations. We propose to leave the current councillor to community board appointment structure in place and for the new Council to decide which ward councillors (either the new Māori ward councillor and/or the general ward councillor(s)) should be appointed to community boards.
How you can have your say
Have we got the number of councillors, community boards, and ward and community board boundaries right? The decision to establish a Māori ward has been made and is not part of this review.
Consultation is open from 8 August - Thursday, 12 September 2024, at 5pm.
- To provide feedback, you can fill out our online survey,
You can also:
- Attend one of our in-person information sessions (see below)
- Pick up and complete the survey at one of our libraries or service centres.
- Email your completed feedback forms to If you prefer, you can also email us directly without the form, though we encourage submitting the form for more detailed feedback.
- Print the feedback forms, fill them in and post them to:
Kāpiti Coast District Council
175 Rimu Road
Private Bag 60601
Paraparaumu 5254
Those wishing to speak to their submission may do so at our hearings on Tuesday 24 September 2024.
Information sessions
If you would like to chat to an elected member about our proposed Council structure, please join us for our:
- Online Webinar: Thursday 29 August, 6pm, join online:
There’s no need to register however you will need access to Zoom on your digital device. We'll add the recording to this page for you to watch later. See instructions for how to join a webinar. - Drop-in session: Saturday 31 August, 10am–12 noon, Paraparaumu Library
What happens to my feedback
Following feedback from this round of community engagement, Council will hold public hearings before making a final proposal decision on representation arrangements for the 2025 local government elections on 31 October 2024.
If an appeal or objection to the final proposal is received or if the adopted structure does not meet the fair representation requirements (+/- 10% rule), the binding determination on the district’s representation arrangement will be referred to the Local Government Commission (LGC) for consideration. The principle of a Māori ward cannot be appealed. A decision by the LGC will be given no later than 10 April 2025.