Quick pulse survey

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Consultation has concluded

We want to know how people are hearing about our consultation on the draft Long-term Plan 2021–41, whether people are planning to have a say, and why or why not?

This super quick survey will help us understand what's working, and what's not, so that we can continue to improve the way we communicate and engage with you on important matters.

For more information on the draft Long-term Plan and to have your say visit www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/longtermplan.

We want to know how people are hearing about our consultation on the draft Long-term Plan 2021–41, whether people are planning to have a say, and why or why not?

This super quick survey will help us understand what's working, and what's not, so that we can continue to improve the way we communicate and engage with you on important matters.

For more information on the draft Long-term Plan and to have your say visit www.kapiticoast.govt.nz/longtermplan.